Tomomi Yoshizawa is a Conceptual Textile Artist.
Graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design, Department of Fashion and Performance, in 2013. Moved to Germany in 2018. Enrolled in Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle (Saale), Germany in 2020, currently enrolled in a diploma's program in textile art.
She creates conceptual textile art in the form of installations, exploring the "sky" and "infinity" associated with the color "blue" from visual, spatial, and philosophical perspectives.
吉沢 智美 (Yoshizawa Tomomi) コンセプチュアル・テキスタイルアーティスト
2013年女子美術大学芸術学部ファッション造形学科卒業。2018年渡独。2020年ブルクギービヒェンシュタイン美術大学 ハレ(ザーレ)、ドイツ 入学、現在テキスタイルアート専攻修士課程在籍。
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